Welcome to THE BONFIRE!


The BonFire is a ministry of love, friendship and inspiration, depicted by the flower always worn by its director, Bonnie Joy Kelley. Her passion is to inspire, equip and empower women to step out in the gifts and calling of God on their lives.

Comprised of many churches and backgrounds, BonFire participants gather together to give God their highest praise, hear from His Word and flow with His Spirit. Many teachers, leaders and ministries make this tapestry of fellowship.

We count it an honor that you have chosen to be a part.

~ Liberty ~

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
2 Corinthians 3:17

BonFire meetings are facilitated by Bonnie. Order is maintained by honoring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and respecting the leadership of those ministering. Our ministry team has been prayerfully selected and consists of women seasoned in God’s Word, gifted in teaching and active in ministry.

~ Generosity ~

“Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap…”
Luke 6:38

Offerings are freely given and tax exempt.

~ Growth ~

Our ministry took root, in the spring of 2012, in the back room of Living Word Christian Bookstore. Bible study began at 10:00, we’d have lunch together at noon in the bookstore cafe and many stayed to participate in a prophetic art class that followed.

Praying for a larger space, Restoration Fellowship graciously provided a place for us to continue meeting. That’s when our ministry officially became known as “The BonFire.” It was a few years before one of our sisters proclaimed its meaning:

“B – ON – FIRE!”

In just over a year we grew from 7 to 17 women. Now we have over 70 women from more than 40 churches who come together every Tuesday. We also reach a worldwide audience through our weekly Facebook LIVE broadcasts.

Bonfire Meetings Have Moved to a New Location!

Join Us Every Tuesday from 10am – Noon

Union Station at Bello Park
10033 Fruitville Road
Sarasota, FL 34232

(4 miles east of  R75)


“The Bonfire” is the coming together of women of all ages, backgrounds and denominations to experience the presence of God in a warm, safe place that ignites inspiration and synergy — making the love and power of God real!

Meetings are designed to give women the opportunity to:

•    Give God their best in worship, service, prayer and offering.
•    Be inspired by His written Word and be influenced by the Holy Spirit.
•    Encourage and be encouraged ~ Love and be loved.
•    Grow in their faith and develop their God-given gifts.
•    Learn and apply Biblical Kingdom Principles to change your life!


There's always a place for you around the BonFire!
Tuesday Mornings from 10:00 - Noon @ 10033 Fruitville Rd at Bello Park

The Bonfire Ministries is a non-profit 501c3 organization under Galatians 6:2, Inc.

Copyright (c) 2018 The Bonfire Ministries